Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, George

This has been Georgie's birthday weekend. We have been very busy celebrating and having fun--and dealing with the rather disappointing reality that George doesn't yet understand how special a birthday is compared to every other day. Even when his Mom and Dad go to great lengths to have toddler-friendly festivities.
Friday, the birthday proper, began with the two-year old opening his presents. His favorite was a racing cart his parents have him. The video below shows his first drive; initially you will see that he was not pleased that he was being filmed so early in the morning. What a vain two-year old!

George had a monkey-themed weekend, and breakfast featured "monkey bread," basically cinnamon pullaparts with a carmel sauce. Very yummy. The rest of Friday was very busy--work for Mom, lunch appointment for Dad, and several voice lessons in the afternoon. That evening we had a fancy dinner in George's honor and saw a movie, The Tales of Desperaux. It was cute, and George enjoyed it (most of the time).

Saturday we invited some friends (the Steeds and Curtises) over to have lunch and monkey cake. We had a lot of fun, especially having other adults over to keep us company. We really had a blast--thanks for coming over, guys! Meghan created the most amazing cake, see below. Its creation was an odyssey in itself--ask us again sometime...

Everyone was happy to help George blow out the candles. We had at least four boys trying simultaneously. In the end, Meghan did the honors.

We were just relieved George seemed to enjoy the cake!


  1. Lorie (Grandma) says: Wow, that was an impressive monkey face cake! You are quite the artist Meghan. George is a lucky boy. I remember when little Winston begged for a "cwoun" cake. I thought he wanted a king's crown cake and when I started to make such a thing, he made me understand what he really wanted was a CLOWN cake -- silly mommy!

  2. Aww... I'm sad I couldn't join in on the festivities. The cake is very cute and looks delicious. Same goes for George. I miss you guys!

